California Report Card

Developed by the office of Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom with the CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative at UC Berkeley, the “California Report Card” (CRC) is a pilot project that aims to increase public engagement with political issues and to help leaders at all levels stay informed about the changing opinions and priorities of their constituents.

Anyone can participate by taking a few minutes to assign grades to the state of California on timely issues including healthcare, education, and immigrant rights. Participants are then invited to enter an online “Cafe” to propose issues for future versions of the platform.

The California Report Card works on all screens (best on mobile phones held vertically). To participate, visit:

A public forum on March 20, 2014 was held to discuss the results of the data and lessons learned: California Report Card: Learning from a New Platform for Civic Engagement. Watch the video playlist on our YouTube channel.


This work was supported by the Blum Center for Developing Economies and the Development Impact Lab (USAID Cooperative Agreement AID-OAA-A-12-00011), part of the USAID Higher Education Solutions Network; UC Berkeley’s Algorithms, Machines, and People Lab; and the UC CITRIS Data and Democracy Initiative.